How the Universe Will End

The Universe is currently expanding at around 150,000 miles per hour(240,000 kilometers per hour). At some point in time, the universe will end maybe due to this. Scientists have 4 theories about how the universe will end. The four theories are Big Crunch, Big Freeze, Big Rip, Big Bounce. Big Crunch How the Big Crunch Theory works As the name suggests, in this theory the universe will collapse on its self. In the universe, there is a theoretical object called "Dark Energy". This is what is making the universe expand at such a rapid rate. In the Big Crunch theory, the gravitational attraction of the objects within the universe will overcome Dark Energy and the universe will start decreasing in size until it reaches the point where the universe will collapse. Big Rip In this theory, the universe would reach the point where it has reached the maximum expansion. This is the distance where the universe has fully expanded. If the universe continues to expand beyon...